A. Favreau Forestry wants to grow our family!
We are a high production company with high expectations of our crew members. We have spent a considerable amount of time designing our ads often tweaking it to try to get the most qualified ambitious industrial athletes.
Favreau Forestry has a safety minded, production, positive, high energy culture. Unfortunately not everyone that applies reflects the culture of our company. Those people that do not meet our standards are filtered out throughout our four-part interview process.
The perfect candidate will have chainsaw experience, previous outdoor employment, a thirst for knowledge and a willingness to learn new things! Typically we hire for personality and train for skill.
Favreau Forestry is a drug-free environment. Our crew members agree to pre-employment, random, etc. drug tests. We also preform driving record checks, background checks, speak to references and previous employers and a gamut of other measures. The office has a list of certifications that have to be achieved within a specified timeframe.
We at Favreau Forestry set a very high bar for our crew members. We are constantly looking for men and women that can meet and exceed where the bar currently is therefore we are always on the search via social media platforms like Facebook, Craigslist, TCIA, ect.
You can rest assured when Favreau crews roll up to your house they have been thoroughly vetted to assure they will provide exceptional service to our valued customers!